Admission as a free mover student

Registration at the UPJV is completed in two phases :

Phase 1: Admission or application
The timetable and procedures differ according to your profile (desired course, previous courses and/or nationality).
Phase 2: Administrative registration for initial training
If your application is accepted, you will be able to register administratively at our university according to the calendar which starts in July.
The registration procedure for international students outside of exchange programmes differs according to the country of origin.

Attention !

Regardless of the procedure followed, final registration will always be subject to the presentation of the original diplomas and the VISA for studies.

You must register via the Campus France website, and follow the "Studies in France" procedure.

See the list of the 51 countries concerned on the Campus France website.

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If you wish to register for the first year of a degree course, you must download a preliminary application form from 15 November and return it before 22 January

You must also take the French language test (TCF) at the UPJV.

See the "Certification courses" section on our FLE Centre website.
You wish to register for the 2nd or 3rd year of a general bachelor's degree or the 1st year of a master's degree : you must apply on the e-candidat platform.
If you wish to apply for a professional degree, a Master 2 and certain other courses : you must apply on the e-candidat platform.
You wish to register for a doctorate : contact one of the two UPJV doctoral schools (doctoral school in human and social sciences, doctoral school in sciences and health). Registration takes place in September on the Pôle Campus of the UPJV .

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Need more information about the procedure ?

Contact our "Bienvenue en France" office for international students, accredited by Campus France: our team will guide you through the process !
