Equipment platforms

The UPJV has 8 shared equipment platforms, equiped with high-performance tools at the cutting edge of technology. The engineers and technicians of these platforms put their skills and expertise at the service of the research projects of the 36 research units at the UPJV, and of research in general.

Accessible to external public or private users (other research establishments, local authorities, companies, etc.), the platforms can support you in the development of your research projects.

Below you will find a short presentation of the platforms and the contact details of the staff responsible for setting up a collaboration.

Presentation of the platforms for setting up a collaboration


Areas of expertise:

  • classical molecular biology analysis 
  • genomic analysis
  • transcriptomic analysis
  • analysis of molecular interactions and enzymatic activities
  • controlled plant growing environments S2 and S3, in pots or in vitro
  • phenotyping of seedlings in vitro
  • automated high-flow phenotyping of pot plants

Contact :
Manager: Laurent Gutierrez -

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise:

  • 2D scanning (documents, photographs, etc.)
  • 3D digitisation (monuments, land, etc.)
  • High-performance computing reliable and secure data storage
  • visualisation/restitution of scanning and calculation results

Contact :
Manager: Jean-Baptiste Hoock -

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise :

  • exploration and enhancement of cultural heritage, in particular archaeological and historical heritage
  • mapping
  • creation of GIS databases and spatial analyses
  • human interaction and eye tracking
  • creation of databases of visual materials used for research or production in the field of SHS research

Contact :
Director: Luc Vandromme -

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise :

  • analysis, characterisation and identification of molecules from solid, liquid or gaseous samples
  • mass spectrometry
  • NMR spectrometry 

Contacts :
Managers: Serge Pilard and Dominique Cailleu

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise :

  • study, analysis and characterisation of all types of samples
  • high resolution scanning electron microscopy
  • transmission electron microscopy
  • atom probe microscopy 

Contacts :
Managers: Loïc Dupont and Arash Jamali

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise:

  • housing rats and mice in zone A1, zone A2 and SPF
  • surgical experiments 
  • behavioural studies 

Contact :

List of platform equipment


Areas of expertise :

  • mass spectrometry 
  • cellular imaging 
  • small animal imaging 

Contact :
Manager: Paulo Marcelo -

List of platform equipment

Areas of expertise :

  • monitoring the temperature of the animals
  • monitoring the heart rate of the animals
  • monitoring the respiration of the animals

Contact :
Manager: Olivier BALEDENT -