Studies and disability

From the moment you enroll at UPJV and throughout your studies, you'll benefit from personalized support tailored to your situation.

Disabilities: UPJV's accommodation options

We can help you during your training

  • Transmission of teaching aids
  • Curricular adjustments
  • Free photocopying of courses taken by another student
  • Leave of absence

You can be accompanied during your exams

  • Additional third time or subject modification if third time is not applicable
  • Composing in a private room with other students with special needs
  • Oral reading of written instructions
  • Permission to leave the examination room

You can benefit from human and material assistance

  • Note-taker: the student must find a fellow student from his or her course to volunteer as a note-taker, and declare this to the BHE, which will draw up an employment contract.
  • Exam secretary: a student recruited by the BHE to transcribe what the student with a disability has to say during exams.
  • Loan of equipment (subject to availability): computer (with specific software), reading pen, electronic magnifier, recorder, lectern, noise-cancelling headphones, access badges for certain parking lots (subject to feasibility), etc.


To obtain your request for accommodation(s), you must first meet with a doctor from the Service universitaire de santé étudiante (SSE).

See our Service universitaire de santé étudiante (SSE) section (in french).

At the end of the consultation, the doctor will give you a medical opinion listing the proposed accommodations, which will be studied by your component.

The accommodation order is then edited and signed by the President of the University before being sent to you (and your component).

The Bureau Handicap Étudiant (BHE), the essential contact for your needs

Services offered by the BHE :

  • Welcome, listening and support
  • Management of your school-related documents
  • Loan of equipment (while stocks last)
  • Put you in touch with UPJV student relays


Bureau Handicap Étudiant
Pôle universitaire Citadelle
Building A 2nd floor
10 rue des Français Libres 80080 Amiens
+33 3 64 26 83 17