Interference among competitors and deviations from the habitat matching rule
Michel B. C. Sokolowski and Cédric Routier
Université de Picardie - Jules Verne, France

With competition for resources or reinforcement, individual gain is not only the result of individual choices, but also the result of choice of other individuals in the population. The gain function may be complex and include an interference parameter (Sutherland, 1983). Such a parameter may affect the distribution of individuals in a patchily environment. When interference is the same in all the patches, the distribution of individual may be easily predicted. When interference is different in all the patches, the predictions are less easily obtained. However, a graphical technique can be used. We show that we obtain two kinds of correlated deviations from the habitat matching rule (which states that the ratio of individuals should be equal to the ratio of resources) when the interference parameter is systematically varied.

Keywords: competition, interference, ideal free distribution, habitat matching rule

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