The epistemological and socio-political conceptions of K. Popper and B. F. Skinner: antagonism or complementarity?
Nuno Martins Silva
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

An examination of the contrasting conceptions and mutual criticism of Popper and Skinner, regarding their philosophy of science and their socio - political points of view. Some of the issues considered are : positivism, rationalism, determinism, indutivism , deductivism, human agency, freedom, language, truth, logic of scientific discovery, relativism, pragmatism, cultural evolution, open or planified and utopic societies. Despite the manifest antagonism, is there any possibility of depassing the barrier of their theoretical "incommensurability", or are we facing two irreducible metaphors of man and his world?

Keywords: philosophy of science, behavioral research, epistemology, cultural planification

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