Reinforcement rate as a determinant of the effects of behavioral history.
Hiroto Okouchi and Kennon A. Lattal
Osaka Kyoiku University and West Virginia University, Japan and USA

Four pigeons were exposed to two tandem variable-interval differential-reinforcement-of-low-rate schedules under different stimulus conditions. Values of tandem schedules were adjusted so that reinforcement rates in one stimulus condition could be higher than those in another stimulus condition. Following this, a fixed-interval schedule either of smaller values or of larger values was effected in both stimulus conditions. Regardless of the values of the fixed-interval schedules, responding under those schedules persisted in lower rates under the stimuli previously correlated with higher reinforcement rates more than under the stimuli previously correlated with lower reinforcement rates. The results coincide with a prediction of behavioral momentum, suggesting conceptual similarities between behavioral history and behavioral momentum, which have been investigated independently.

Keywords: reinforcement rate, fixed-interval schedule, behavioral history, rats

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