Reading repertoire augment and
minimal verbal units control: effects of letter and syllable
recombination. Maria Martha Hübner; Rosa Helena Malheiros and Leila Saraiva Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil Previous studies were conducted to verify the effects of recombinative reading procedures upon the emergence of generalized reading . Three sets of stimuli were always presented. The first one ( BOCA-CABO-BOLO-LOBO words) was taught through equivalence paradigm; the second ( BOBO-LOLO-CALO and LOCA words ) was tested, verifying the emergence of generalization. If it occurred, one third set was tested ( BOLA-BALA-CACO and COCA words ) . Generalization from the first set to the second set emerged only partially. Special procedures were introduced, to maximize the identification of the units of the second set. With positive results , the third set was tested. It was found a deterioration in subjects performance. The present study verified if an inversion in test and teaching sequence between sets 2 and 3 would eliminate the deterioration. The subjects were seven pre-scholars. After being taught the first set, they were tested with the third set. With no generalization, this set was taught and set 2 was tested. The generalization results from set 3 to 2 were higher than from set 2 to 3. It is suggested that minimal verbal units control is better when taught words have letter and syllable recombination. Keywords: equivalence, minimal verbal units control, generalization, recombinative reading |