Effects of malnutrition on
the acquisition and resurgence of movement pattern in mice For all subjects, 4 pre-determined patterns of movement from one location to another in an enclosed space, were recorded as digitized photographic images and automatically shaped in sequence, with food as reinforcement. Upon the acquisition of the first pattern, this pattern underwent extinction while a second pattern was shaped, and so on, until 4 patterns had been acquired. Following acquisition, an extended period of extinction for all patterns was implemented, during which period the resurgence of previously acquired movement patterns was observed. The subjects were housed in the experimental chambers, and no food was delivered non-contingently, throughout the course of the experiment. The subjects were fed diets either complete or deficient in protein, and observed under the above conditions to determine the impact of this variable on learning and memory. This research is ongoing at the present time. Keywords: acquisition, resurgence, malnutrition, closed-economy, mice |