Equivalence outcome as a function
of training structure and increasing number of class members. Previous studies both when comparing groups of subjects and studying individual subjects have indicated differential probabilities of stimulus equivalence outcome as a function of training structure. Both one_to_many and many_to_one training structures seem to produce stimulus equivalence more often than a linear series training structure. In an earlier study (Arntzen & Holth, in press), an increased superiority of MTO over OTM, as predicted by Saunders and Green , was not observed as a function of an increasing number of classes or when increasing number of class members from 3 to 4. Since the superiority predicted by Saunders and Green (1999b) should be even more salient using a greater number of members. Thus, the present study investigated the probability of equivalence as a function of a higher numbers of members in different training structures. The difference in number of comparisons connected to each sample as a consequence of the dissimilarity in the training structures are discussed as a possible explanation for the difference in equivalence in equivalence outcome. Keywords: stimulus equivalence, humans, training structure, class size. |