Constructional Behavior Therapy
Paul J.H. Andreoli, Bart E.E. Bruins and Janna D. van Delden-van der Wolf
Constructional Behavior Analysis Foundation, The Netherlands

Constructional Behaviour Therapy is a novel approach of symptom reduction without attacking the symptoms directly. Instead, a systematic extension of successful conduct is realized by which consequently symptoms fade away.
The approach is based on the body of knowledge derived from experimental behaviour analysis. Its focal point is not the topography, but the function of behaviour. According to the approach, symptoms are not due to the presence of some symptom provoking stimuli but to the absence of discriminative stimuli controlling active avoidance behaviour. So, when a situation does not provide discriminative stimuli for this dominant pattern, behaviour regulation fails. The resulting dysregulation is the onset of symptoms.
Treatment is done according to a detailed, symptom-independent protocol. It consists of two strategies and ten connected, novel techniques by which behaviour regulation is restored and broadened in order to prevent symptom occurrence.
Until now, Constructional Behaviour Therapy has been applied to a variety of symptoms of at least 1000 clients. The outcome is full of promise considering the evident precision of analysis, the treatment effects and the satisfaction of both clients and therapists.

Keywords: behavior therapy, symptoms, discriminative stimuli, active avoidance behavior, novel approach

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