Applications of antecedent analysis
in an outpatient clinic. Marc S. Andelman, Linda J. Cooper-Brown and David P. Wacker University of Iowa, USA Previous research has demonstrated that antecedent analyses can be conducted successfully in clinics within the constraints of a brief (60-90 minute) outpatient visit. These analyses assist clinicians in developing treatments that address variables associated with problem behavior. The Behavioral Pediatrics Clinic serves children who engage in challenging behaviors such as aggression, destruction, and non-complience. Recent case examples from this clinic will be presented. In the first case example, the authors evaluated the effects of high and low levels of stimulation with a 5-year-old girl diagnosed with ADHD. Low levels of stimulation were associated with increased off-task behavior. In the second case example, the preference level of tasks was varied for a 9-year-old girl with ADHD and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Data indicated that non-preferred tasks were associated with increased problem behavior. In the last case example, both the level of task difficulty and the level of parental attention provided to an 8-year-old boy with Oppositional Defiant Disorder were varied. Data indicated that his problem behavior was associated with low levels of attention and difficult tasks. This study will be discussed in terms of replication and extension of previous research. Keywords: brief functional analysis, antecedent analysis, behavioral assessment, developmental disabilities |