Born 28.02.1930.
Curent position : Professor emeritus, Chair of experimental Psychology, Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l'Education, University of Liège, Belgium.
University education: Master in Philosophy
and Letters, Liège, 1952.
Master in Psychology, Geneva, 1954.
PhD - Psychology (Magna cum laude), Liège, 1959.
Harvard University, Department of Experimental Psychology, FNRS/Honorary
CRB Fellow, 1958-59.
Previous positions:
- Assistant University of Geneva (1953-1955).
- Research fellow, Research project on North African Jewish children
emigrating to Israël: France, 1953-1955, (intermittent missions
from Geneva), Morocco (summer 1954), Israël (Oct. 55-April
56), under supervision of Professeur André Rey, Geneva.
- Research Fellow, Foundation of the University of Liège
for research in Central Africa, September 57-September 58 &
January to June 1960 (Katanga).
- Lecturer (1959-1962), Associate Professor (1962-1965), Faculty
of Philosophy and Letters, University of Liège, .
- Professor, Chair of experimental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology,
University of Liège, 1965 - 1995.
- Dean , 1970-1972, 1985-1988.
Lectures and courses upon invitation
at the universities of Brussels, Louvain (Chaire Francqui 1973),
Ghent, Namur. Geneva, Lille (visiting professor, 1972-1974), Rennes
(visiting professor for graduate studies in the years 1970 to
1975), Marseille, Aix-en-Provence, Paris V René-Descartes,
Paris VI Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VII-Vincennes, Barcelona
, Cardiff, Sarrebrück, Laval in Québec-City, Lausanne,
University of Montréal, University of Québec in
Montréal, Rabat, Neuchatel, Bangor (Wales), Aachen, Lisboa,
Mexico City, Budapest, Frankfurt, Würzburg, Konstanz, Barcelona
Autonoma, Gerona, Valencia, Granada, Sevilla, Madrid Complutense,
Madrid Autonoma, Madrid UNED, Coïmbra, Oviedo, Salamanca,
Santiago de Compostela, Trondheim, Grenoble-Chambéry, Brno,
Almería, Lódz, Lublin, Parma.
Invited external member in PhD Jurys at the universities
of Louvain, Namur, Geneva, Lyon, Rennes, Birmingham, Strasbourg,
Paris V René Descartes, Université du Québec
in Montréal, Aix-Marseille, Lille-Charles de Gaulle, Fribourg,
Utrecht, Cardiff, Oviedo, Nancy, Paris-Sud Orsay, Manchester,
Montpellier, Nice.
Scientific societies : member of a dozen of national and international associations. Past President of the Belgian Psychological Society (1968-1970), Secretary General (1970-1987), Président (1989-1991) of the Association de Psychologie scientifique de Langue française, Foreign Affiliate APA.
Editorial activities: past
or currently member of editorial boards of Psychologica Belgica,
Archives de Psychologie, L'Année Psychologique, British
Journal of Psychology, Revue de Psychologie appliquée,
Anuario di Psicologia; occasional referee for international journals
including: Behavioural Processes, Physiology and Behaviour, Cahiers
de Psychologie cognitive, Journal of the Experimental Analysis
of Behavior.
Scientific Adviser to the publisher Pierre Mardaga (formerly Charles
Dessart) for the series Psychologie et Sciences humaines (more
than 200 titles starting 1963).
Various positions : former
member of the Consultative Committee for Psychology, Belgian National
Science Council; foreign expert on the Directorial Board of the
CNRS Laboratory, Institute of Neuro- and Psychophysiology in Marseille
(1981-1990); Belgian delegate in the European training Programme
in Brain and Behaviour Research (until 1978); occasional external
referee or expert to various Belgian, foreign or international
agencies (CNRS, INSERM, NSF, EEC, JNICT, FUP & FCT, etc.).
Chief Coordinator from 1988 to 1997 of an ERASMUS network in Psychology
(18 universities in 12 countries).
Compostela Group of Universities: member of the provisional steering
committee (1993-95), President (1995- 1999 )
Invited Participations in international scientific meetings : more than 150 from 1965 to 1999, distributed in two dozens different countries, as invited key note speaker, organiser of or participant in symposia. Topics related to main research themes, i.e.psychology of time, psycholinguistics, psychology of learning and its educational and therapeutical applications, intelligence and creativity, psychopharmacology, methodological, epistemological and historical issues, scientific policy and research issues.
Organisation of international scientific meetings : Problems of methods in comparative Psychology , with J.C.Ruwet(Liège, 1969); Explanation in Psychology (Liège, 1977); First and Second European Meetings of the Experimental Analysis of Behaviour, with D.Blackman, F.Lowe and H.Lejeune (Liège, 1983 and 1988); XXVth International Congress of Psychology Chair of the Scientific Programme Committee (Brussels, 1992); Memory and Psychiatry (Liège 1994).
Publications :
More than 200 publications including 22 in book form as single
author (9) or in collaboration (5), or as (co)editor (8), published
in French (17), English(3), Hebrew(1), some of them translated
into Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Rumanian, Japanese. About 175
papers published in scientific journals or collective books, including
contributions to scientific dictionaries, encyclopaedia and Festschrifts
( in honour of A. Rey, J. Piaget, B.F. Skinner, P. Fraisse, P.
Oléron, R. Zazzo, M. Siguan, G. De Landsheere).
Moreover, 5 translations from English into French - Kluckhohn,
Skinner, Eccles - (in collaboration with A.-M. Richelle-Graulich).
Publications by other members of the Laboratory of Experimental
Psychology since 1962 to 95, not co-authored by M.Richelle, amount
to more than 600.
Distinctions and awards:
Chaire Francqui (Invited National Chair at the University of Louvain)
, 1973.
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Lille III-Charles de Gaulle,
Quinquennial F.N.R.S. Ernest- John Solvay Prize, 1990 [the highest
scientific award in Belgium]
Member of the Royal Academy of Belgium, January 1995.
Primer Premio Latino de Analisis experimental de la Conducta,
Guadalajarra (Mexico) 1995.
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Geneva, 1996.
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Coïmbra, 1996.
Doctor Honoris Causa University of Lisbon, 1998.
Golden Medal - Masaryk University; Brno, 1998
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Lleida (Lerida), 1998.