General Assembly 2013, practical informations

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How to reach INRA?

From the airport (Toulouse Balagnac):
Airport shuttle line AERO to Matabiau – Marengo SNCF Toulouse, stop Compans Caffarelli > Metro line B to Ramonville, stop at the terminus > Bus line 62 to Castanet-Tolosan, stop INRA > way from bus stop to INRA reception (75-80 minutes)

From Toulouse station (gare Matabiau):
Metro line A to Bosso Cambo, stop Jean Jaures station >  Metro line B to Ramonville, stop at the terminusBus line 62 to Castanet-Tolosan, stop INRA > way from bus stop to INRA reception (40-45 minutes)

By car
INRA, Chemin de Borde Rouge, 31320 Auzeville-Tolosane, France