

ERAnet BiodivERsA project




The WOODNET is a ERAnet BiodivERsA project starting in late 2016 for 4 years. It is coordinated by Jacques BAUDRY (INRA Rennes, France); the partners are the Department of Natural Systems and Resources (Madrid, Spain; Santiago SAURA), the EDYSAN unit (Amiens, France; Annie GUILLER), the OSUR of Rennes (France; Laurence HUBERT-MOY) and the EICB lab (Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium; Thierry HANCE).


The project aims at understanding the structure – function relationships of woody corridors in rural landscapes, at different spatial and time scales.Therefore, we will:
– analyze in a consistent framework the diversity of landscape structures characterized by woody vegetation elements, across Europe and several associated ecological networks. (influence of landscape structure and management)

– validate the newly launched satellites (Sentinel) to analyse vegetation and landscape structure

– improve connectivity models by a better integration of landscape structures and their dynamics at different scales using different biological models and a consideration of alternative routes for movement across landscapes. (influence of GBIs on a range of species and functional groups)
– utilize landscape genetics with plants, carabids, bears. (study of gene flow)
– develop of a methodology for linking connectivity and ecosystem services using standardized microcosms. (delivery of services)
– make the relationships between connectivity services in a conservation frame and biological control
– screen the scientific evidences supporting connectivity to make policy makers aware of uncertainties in the development of evidence based policies and legal frameworks. (involvement of stakeholders and end- users)
-establish a dialog between conservationist and plant protection specialist regarding woody element of the landscape
– enhance discussion and information sharing between disciplines and with stakeholders. (interdisciplinarity)