Docteur en écologie, évolution et biodiversité (Université de Picardie Jules Vernes)

Maitre de conférences

Spécialité : Ecologie des communautés, écologie fonctionnelle, écologie du paysage

Axe 2 (100%)

Thèmes de recherche
Mots clés

Biodiversité, Changements Globaux, Communautés, Dispersion, Distribution, Écosystèmes, Espèces exotiques envahissantes, Forêts, Interactions biotiques, Microbiome du sol, Niche écologique, Prairies, Réchauffement, Restauration écologique, Végétation.

Enseignements dispensés
Publications récentes
  1. Wasof S, Lenoir J, Gallet-Moron E, Jamoneau A, Brunet J, Cousins SA, et al. Ecological niche shifts of understorey plants along a latitudinal gradient of temperate forests in north-western Europe. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. 2013;22(10):1130–40.
  2. Wasof S, Lenoir J, Aarrestad PA, Alsos IG, Armbruster WS, Austrheim G, et al. Disjunct populations of European vascular plant species keep the same climatic niches. GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. 2015;24(12):1401–12.
  3. Closset-Kopp D, Wasof S, Decocq G. Using process-based indicator species to evaluate ecological corridors in fragmented landscapes. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 2016;201:152–9.
  4. Van Daele F, Wasof S, Demey A, Schelfhout S, De Schrijver A, Baeten L, et al. Quantifying establishment limitations during the ecological restoration of species-rich Nardus grassland. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. 2017;20(4):594–607.
  5. Wasof S, Lenoir J, Hattab T, Jamoneau A, Gallet-Moron E, Ampoorter E, et al. Dominance of individual plant species is more important than diversity in explaining plant biomass in the forest understorey. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE. 2018;29(3):521–31.
  6. Ma S, Verheyen K, Props R, Wasof S, Vanhellemont M, Boeckx P, et al. Plant and soil microbe responses to light, warming and nitrogen addition in a temperate forest. FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY. 2018;32(5):1293–303.
  7. De Smedt P, Wasof S, Van de Weghe T, Hermy M, Bonte D, Verheyen K. Macro-detritivore identity and biomass along with moisture availability control forest leaf litter breakdown in a field experiment. APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY. 2018;131:47–54.
  8. Wasof S, De Schrijver A, Schelfhout S, Perring M, Remy E, Mertens J, et al. Linkages between aboveground and belowground community compositions in grasslands along a historical land-use intensity gradient. PLANT AND SOIL. 2019;434(1–2):289–304.
  9. Ma S, De Frenne P, Wasof S, Brunet J, Cousins SA, Decocq G, et al. Plant-soil feedbacks of forest understorey plants transplanted in nonlocal soils along a latitudinal gradient. PLANT BIOLOGY. 2019;21(4):677–87.
  10. Schelfhout S, De Schrijver A, Vanhellemont M, Vangansbeke P, Wasof S, Perring M, et al. Phytomining to re-establish phosphorus-poor soil conditions for nature restoration on former agricultural land. PLANT AND SOIL. 2019;440(1–2):233–46.
  11. Landuyt D, De Lombaerde E, Perring M, Hertzog L, Ampoorter E, Maes S, Wasof S, et al. The functional role of temperate forest understorey vegetation in a changing world. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2019;25(11):3625–41.
  12. Ma S, De Frenne P, Vanhellemont M, Wasof S, Boeckx P, Brunet J, et al. Local soil characteristics determine the microbial communities under forest understorey plants along a latitudinal gradient. BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 2019;36:34–44.
  13. Almoussawi A, Lenoir J, Jamoneau A, Tarek H, Wasof S, Gallet‐Moron E, et al. Forest fragmentation shapes the alpha‐gamma relationship in plant diversity. JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE. 2020;31(1):63–74.
  14. Landuyt D, Ampoorter E, Bastias C, Benavides R, Müller S, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Wasof S, et al. Importance of overstorey attributes for understorey litter production and nutrient cycling in European forests. FOREST ECOSYSTEMS. 2020;7.
  15. Perring M, De Frenne P, Hertzog L, Blondeel H, Depauw L, Maes S, Wasof S, et al. Increasing liana frequency in temperate European forest understories is driven by ivy. FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2020;18(10):550–7.
  16. Schelfhout S, Wasof S, Mertens J, Vanhellemont M, Demey A, Haegeman A, et al. Effects of bioavailable phosphorus and soil biota on typical Nardus grassland species in competition with fast-growing plant species. ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. 2021;120.
  17. DeCock E, De Schrijver A, Schelfhout S, Wasof S, Vanhellemont M, Moeneclaey I, et al. Win some, lose some : mesocosm communities maintain community productivity despite lower phosphorus availability because of increased species diversity. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. 2021;24(3).
  18. Perring M, De Frenne P, Hertzog LR, Blondeel H, Depauw L, Maes S, Wasof S, et al. “Lianification” or liana invasion : is there a difference? FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND THE ENVIRONMENT. 2021;19(7):377–8.
  19. Dewan S, De Frenne P, Kepfer-Rojas S, Wasof S, Vander Mijnsbrugge K, Verheyen K. Weak but persistent provenance effects modulate the response of Quercus robur (Fagaceae) seedlings to elevated temperature. ECOEVORXIV, 2021, doi: 10.32942/
  20. Naqinezhad A, De Lombaerde E, Gholizadeh H, Wasof S, Perring MP, Meeussen C, et al. The combined effects of climate and canopy cover changes on understorey plants of the Hyrcanian forest biodiversity hotspot in northern Iran. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 2022;28(3):1103–18.