

Ιdeology, political coalitions and economic performance in Albanian agriculture 
George Karagiannis, National Agricultural Research Foundation & University of Crete
Konstantinos Velentzas, University of Macedonia
Michalis Hatziprokopiou, University of Macedonia
JEL classification : D210, 0470, P270, Q120
Ideological disputes led Albania to successive political coalitions with Tito's Yugoslavia (1946-1948), the Soviet Union (1948-1961) and the People's Republic of China (1961-1978). After the brake of relationships with China, Albania adopted a policy of self-reliance, the economic implication of which was autarky. Changing ideology influenced the amount of foreign aid, trade relations, the state of technology, the quantity and the quality of the productive resources, the managerial and administrative structure of the economy, the allocative mechanisms of the economic system, the distribution of income, the extraction and the use of the surplus etc. The aim of the present paper is to investigate how strong these effects were and to what extent, if any, marked economic performance in the agricultural sector of Albania. More specifically, the evolution of land and labour partial productivity is examined during the period 1950-1990 with respect to the different historical periods of post-war Albania.