Download calendar 2019-2020

Open to everyone, the CURAPP-ESS general seminar is meant to be both a formal and casual event fostering intellectual interaction. With approximately ten sessions per year, this seminar is an opportunity to (re)discover a completed research, most of the time around a topical issue.  All the disciplines of the laboratory – and they are many! – will alternatively be highlighted in an original format that is accessible to everyone, and perhaps above all, to non-specialists. The extended introduction of the guest and of his/her works are delivered by two colleagues of the laboratory (generally a researcher and a doctoral student, or two researchers in two different disciplines) with an emphasis on making this research accessible. The author answers and the ensuing collective discussion are always very inspiring moments of intellectual interaction.  Furthermore, several sessions are “reserved” for laboratory members to give an extended presentation of their works. Finally, the general seminar is closely linked with the “CURAPP workshops” (“Ateliers du CURAPP”) which allow to collectively discuss ongoing works. Regardless of the guests, the general seminar is then an opportunity to build a solid culture on the contemporary research fields in Human and Social Sciences. We cannot but encourage colleagues and students to come and take part in discussions if they wish: the more we are, the more fruitful and original the discussion can be!